General Dentistry |2 min read

Why do I need Periodontal Therapy?

periodontics palm beach gardens

Patients are very often surprised when they discover that they have problems with their teeth or implants. While much care is taken to make sure that their smile is one that is white and bright, they often forget that the gums play a large part in the structural integrity of the teeth. While genetics can play a part in gum disease, it is more often than not down to improper oral care, which is why a regular periodontal therapy visit with Dr. Andrew Rudnick in Palm Beach Gardens should be considered an essential part of any dental care routine.

The periodontal examination will allow the doctor to assess the level of damage, if any, in the gums, which will then lead to him being able to decide the best course of action. In most cases that will simply mean informing you of the proper way to look after your teeth and gums through oral hygiene, but if there is some real damage there, then it may mean surgery is in your future. That’s just one more reason why regular periodontal therapy sessions should be followed, as most gum disease issues can be reversed with proper hygiene techniques.

It’s easy to think of gum disease as something that isn’t a major deal, but it can severely impact your teeth and bones if left untreated for too long. The disease will start off simply enough, with inflammation of the gums usually very noticeable. It’s at that point where people should really think about paying a visit to their dentist Palm Beach Gardens, even if their most recent check-up showed no problems. There is no reason to wait for the next scheduled appointment as that extra time will give diseases such as gingivitis time to really take hold.

If that happens then you may find that your teeth start to feel loose, which is a sure sign that the bones that support them have become compromised. Some level of reconstructive surgery is usually required when the disease reaches those types of levels, but it can easily be avoided if you are pro-active in the care of your teeth and gums. If left to late, the problem can become so bad that even a surgical procedure may not help save the bones. Many patients are also unaware that damaged or diseased teeth and gums can lead to other serious health issues, with heart disease very much at the top of that list.

Dr. Andrew Rudnick understands that there are some people who fear a visit to the dentist, but the more often you go, the less likely you are to actually need any time of procedure that may cause you to become even more nervous. If you can maintain a regular schedule of cleaning and periodontal therapy, then the chances are that you will have healthy teeth and gums for as long as you live.